
Official website

President of Kyrgyz Republic

Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic

Adopted by referendum (national vote) on April 11, 2021

We, the people of the Kyrgyz Republic, proceeding from the right to independently determine our own destiny; in order to ensure the rule of law, justice and equality; affirming the foundations of genuine democracy; remaining faithful to the traditions of our ancestors, following the precepts of Manas the Magnanimous to live in unity, peace and harmony, in harmony with nature; affirming the rights and interests of the people of the Kyrgyz Republic; expressing an unwavering will to preserve and strengthen statehood; confirming our commitment to the protection and respect of human and civil rights and freedoms; recognizing universal principles and values; striving for social justice, economic well-being, development of education, science and spirituality; honoring the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for the freedom of our people; realizing our responsibility for our Fatherland before present and future generations, adopt this Constitution.

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